In contrast to the same period last year (Q2FY24), Bajaj Auto's Q2FY25 financial results demonstrate consistent increase across key measures. Here is a brief summary of the figures:
Q2FY25: ₹2,005 crore
Q2FY24: ₹1,836 crore
Estimates: ₹2,228 crore
Despite falling short of the estimated ₹2,228 crore, Bajaj Auto’s net profit rose by 9.2% compared to last year.
Q2FY25: ₹13,127 crore
Q2FY24: ₹10,777 crore
Estimates: ₹13,270 crore
Bajaj Auto achieved a significant 21.8% growth in revenue compared to Q2FY24, though it came slightly below the estimated ₹13,270 crore.
Q2FY25: ₹2,652 crore
Q2FY24: ₹2,133 crore
Estimates: ₹2,704 crore
EBITDA grew by 24.3% year-over-year but was marginally lower than the forecast of ₹2,704 crore.
Q2FY25: 20.2%
Q2FY24: 19.8%
Estimates: 20.4%
The EBITDA margin has shown improvement, increasing to 20.2%, close to the market estimate of 20.4%.
Overall, Bajaj Auto's financial performance in Q2FY25 demonstrates consistent growth in revenue, profitability, and margins compared to the previous year. However, it fell slightly short of analysts' estimates in all categories. This update reflects a robust performance for the company despite minor shortfalls in hitting projected targets.
Source: CNBC
सोने और चांदी की कीमतों में पछले सप्ताह ग्लोबल बैंको में संकट बढ़ने के कारण, हैवन डिमांड देखि गई। एमसीएक्स में सोना पिछले सप्ताह 3.8 प्रतिशत तेज़ हो कर 58250 रुपये प्रति दस ग्राम के स्तरों पर रहा, जबकि चांदी वायदा सप्ताह में 7 प्रतिशत तेज़ हो कर 67200 रुपये प्रति किलो पर रहा। बैंकिंग संकट की आशंकाओं और मौद्रिक नीति पर अनिश्चितता ने कीमती धातुओं की सुरक्षित आश्रय अपील को बढ़ाया है। अमेरिका सिलिकॉन वैली बैंक दिवालिया होने के बाद स्विस बैंक क्रेडिट सुइस भी वित्तीय संकट का सामना कर रही है। हालांकि, क्रेडिट सुइस को मदद मिलने, और यूरोपियन सेंट्रल बैंक द्वारा ब्याज दरों में 0.5 प्रतिशत की बढ़ोतरी से कीमती धातुओं में पिछले सप्ताह के अंत मे मुनाफा वसूली रही। बैंकिंग संकट के चलते निवेशकों को उम्मीद है की फेड मौद्रिक नीति पर नरमी रखेगा। फेड के दर-वृद्धि चक्र में किसी भी रुकावट से सोने को फायदा होगा और डॉलर के मुकाबले सोने की मांग बढ़ेगी, और गैर-उपज वाली संपत्ति रखने की अवसर लागत भी कम रहेगी। बैंकिंग संकट और ब्याज दर बढ़ोतरी पर अनिश्चितता कीमती धातुओं को सपोर्ट कर रही है। हालांकि, मुद्रास्फीति स्थिर रहने के कारण फेड मौद्रिक नीति पर कठोर रह सकता है। मार्च में होने वाली फेड की बैठक पर निवेशकों की नज़रे रहेंगी जिसमे ब्याज दर बढ़ोतरी कितनी होगी, यह स्पष्ट नहीं हुआ है।
इस सप्ताह के आर्थिक आंकड़े कीमती धातुओं के लिए महत्वपूर्ण रहेंगे जिसमे फेड की बैठक, ब्रिटैन की मॉनेटरी पॉलिसी और यूरोप के मैन्युफैक्चरिंग आंकड़े शामिल है।
इस सप्ताह कीमती धातुओं के भाव में अस्थिरता रहने की सम्भावना है। सोने में सपोर्ट 57000 रुपये पर है और रेजिस्टेंस 59000 रुपये पर है। चांदी में सपोर्ट 65400 रुपये पर है और रेजिस्टेंस 69000 रुपये पर है।
बुलियन, कमोडिटी, बेस मेटल्स, एग्रीकल्चरल कमोडिटीज से जुडी हुई एक्सपर्ट रेकमेंडेशन्स के लिए आज ही अपना फ्री डीमैट अकाउंट खोले
The Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) in Madhya Pradesh will issue green bonds as a public issue on February 10 to raise funds for building a solar power plant. This will be a first of its kind in India.
The green bond issue will open on February 10 and close on February 14. the bond is expected to list on the National Stock Exchange after February 22.
A green bond is a type of debt security that a company issues to finance or refinance projects that have a beneficial impact on the environment and the climate. A climate bond is another name for a green bond.
The chief municipal corporation for the city of Indore is the Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC). The Commissioner (Nagar Aayukt) of the Issuer is Smt. Pratibha Pal, an IAS, and the Mayor are Shri Pushyamitra Bhargav. IMC is secured under the AMRUT Scheme of the Indian Government. Additionally, Indore Municipal Corporation owns 50% of Indore Smart City Development Limited (ISCDL), a Special Purpose Vehicle established under the Companies Act of 2013 to carry out Indore Municipal Corporation's Smart City Mission plan to build a smart city (SCM). ISCDL has contributed to the successful execution of a number of projects.
According to DRHP, the corporation would issue four individually transferable and redeemable principal parts non-convertible debentures (NCDs) with a face value of Rs 1,000 each (STRPP). Each NCD of Rs 1,000 will include one STRPP A, one STRPP B, one STRPP C, and one STRPP D, each with a face value of Rs 250. The duration of STRPP A is 3 years, STRPP B is 5, STRPP C is 7, and STRPP D is 9 years.
The green bond issue would need a minimum application size of Rs 10,000 (or 10 NCDs), with subsequent applications coming in multiples of Rs 1,000.
India Ratings & Research gave the proposed green bonds an AA+ rating with a stable outlook. Care Ratings has given the issue an AA rating with a stable outlook, nonetheless.
According to the Income Tax Act of 1961, NCD holders are not entitled to any special tax benefits. If the NCD is held for less than 12 months the holder must pay short-term capital gains on interest income or for more than 12 months, the holder must pay long-term capital gains on interest income.
The book-running lead managers for the issue are AK Capital Services Limited, SBI Capital Markets Limited, and Vistra ITCL (India) Limited, while KFin Technologies is the registrar.
According to the source, the civic corporation of the nation's cleanest city hopes to raise at least Rs 245 crore through green bonds that will be utilized to build a 60 MW solar power at the villages of Samraj and Ashukhedi in the Madhya Pradesh district of Khargone and the electricity from it will be used to pump water to Indore from the Narmada river in Jalud village, which is located in the nearby Khargone district and is around 80 km distant.
The official projected that Rs 300 crore will be needed to build up the solar power facility.
A solar power plant building tender has already been announced, and once it is approved, construction will take two years, the municipality will save Rs 25 crore per month after the projected solar power facility at Jaludis constructed.
The corporation's revenue income for the financial year 2021–2022 was Rs 1,739.95 crore as compared to Rs 1,508.10 crore in the same time the previous year.
While the corporation expenditure was Rs 1,107.88 crore in FY22, excluding interest and depreciation.
The total debt in 2021–22 was Rs 579.43 crore, down from Rs 648.45 crore in the same time the previous year.
The Green Bonds Issue offers an effective return of 8.42% annually and a coupon rate of 8.25% p.a. payable every six months. the NCDs are intended to be listed on both NSE and BSE. CARE Ratings Limited and India Ratings & Research Private Limited have rated the Green Bonds as "CARE AA: Stable" and "IND AA+/Stable," respectively.
To Invest in IMC green Bond Issue with the Swastika app or visit the link or apply through the Indore 311 App.
When it comes to saving taxes and growing your wealth at the same time, ELSS (Equity Linked Savings Scheme) stands out as a popular option. It’s one of the most beginner-friendly investment choices, especially for those new to the stock market or looking for tax-saving opportunities. In this simple guide, we’ll explain what ELSS is, how it works, its benefits, and things to keep in mind before investing.
An Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) is a type of mutual fund that invests primarily in stocks (equity) and comes with the added benefit of tax savings. By investing in ELSS, you can claim deductions of up to ₹1.5 lakh under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. This makes ELSS a great choice for those looking to reduce their taxable income while potentially earning higher returns.
When you invest in an ELSS, your money is pooled with funds from other investors and managed by a professional fund manager. The fund manager invests this money in a diversified portfolio of stocks across different sectors, aiming to generate long-term capital growth.
Here’s a quick overview of how ELSS works:
ELSS is a great option for beginners who want to save taxes and earn potentially higher returns by investing in equities. With its short lock-in period, tax benefits, and growth potential, it stands out as one of the best tax-saving investments. However, it’s important to understand the risks involved and have a long-term perspective. Whether you’re investing through a lump sum or SIP, ELSS can be a smart addition to your financial portfolio.
The Indian stock market timing is currently set at 3:30 pm, but there is talk of extending it to 5 pm. The move is being considered for a variety of reasons. One of the primary reasons is to align India's market timings with that of other major global markets, which will enable traders to calculate all their losses at once. Another reason is to increase liquidity and trading volumes. Longer trading hours provide more opportunities to transact, which can lead to more trading volumes. Additionally, the longer time frame can also help traders manage overnight market risk more effectively, which can attract more market participants eventually.
However, it is important to note that the volume in the market is concentrated towards the first and last hour. Despite the extension of trading hours by an hour in 2010, there has been a negligible effect on volume growth in the markets. Furthermore, India has lost a chunk of its trading volume to Singapore and Dubai due to taxes and risk hedging, and not due to trading hours.
The extension of trading hours can also help in hedging the risk in domestic markets, but it may not be beneficial for active retail F&O traders in the long term. Tracking P&L for long hours can be stressful and may affect their mental health. Additionally, active traders do not make money primarily due to over-trading, and longer hours may accentuate this problem.
While the move could boost revenues for the capital markets business in the short term, it may lead to lower participation and liquidity in the long run, which will affect everyone. Therefore, it is important to consider all the factors before extending the trading hours.
कीमती धातुओं के भाव में पिछले सप्ताह गिरावट तेज़ हो गई हालांकि अमेरिकी बेरोज़गारी के दावों और बेरोज़गारी दर बढ़ोतरी के साथ क्रिप्टो करेंसी बिटकॉइन में 8 प्रतिशत की गिरावट होने से कीमती धातुओं की कीमतों में कुछ सुधार देखने को मिला। अमेरिका की एस वी बैंक के दिवालिया होने की खबरों से शेयर बाजार में बिकवाली का दबाव रहा जिससे कीमती धातुओं के भाव को निचले स्तरों पर सपोर्ट मिला। फेड चेयर जेरोम पॉवेल के हॉकिश संकेतों से कीमती धातुओं में दबाव बना, पॉवेल ने सचेत किया है कि बढ़ती मुद्रास्फीति और रोज़गार बाजार में लचीलेपन से उम्मीद से ज्यादा ब्याज दरे बढ़ाने की सम्भवना है। हालांकि मार्च महीने में होने वाली फेड की बैठक को लेकर पॉवेल ने किसी योजना से इंकार किया है, और आगे ब्याज दर बढ़ोतरी और ब्याज दर बढ़ोतरी की गति को आर्थिक आकड़ो के प्रदर्शन पर निर्भर होना बताया है। पिछले सप्ताह अमेरिका के साप्ताहिक बेरोज़गारी के दावों में बढ़ोतरी दर्ज की गई है, लेकिन जोल्ट्स जॉब ओपनिंग और एडीपी नॉन फार्म एम्प्लॉयमेंट चेंज के आंकड़े अनुमान से बेहतर दर्ज किये गए है। डॉलर, जो सोने के विपरीत दिशा में चलता है, इस सप्ताह तीन महीने के उच्च स्तर पर पहुंच गया, जबकि बेंचमार्क अमेरिकी ट्रेजरी यील्ड भी तेजी से बढ़ी क्योंकि निवेशकों ने निकट अवधि में फेड द्वारा अधिक आक्रामक ब्याज दर बढ़ोतरी की उम्मीद में डॉलर की और रुख किया है। हालांकि, पिछले सप्ताह अमेरिका से जारी नॉन फार्म एम्प्लॉयमेंट चेंज के आंकड़े अनुमान से बेहतर रहे, लेकिन बेरोज़गारी दर में बढ़ोतरी और प्रति घंटे की औसत आय में कमी, फेड को मौद्रिक नीति पर नरमी के लिए बाध्य कर सकता है।
इस सप्ताह अमेरिका के मुद्रास्फीति, रिटेल सेल्स, पीपीआई, कंस्यूमर सेंटीमेंट और यूरोपियन सेंट्रल बैंक की मौद्रिक नीति कीमती धातुओं के लिए महत्वपूर्ण रहेगी।
इस सप्ताह कीमती धातुओं में दबाव रहने की सम्भावना है। सोने में सपोर्ट 55000 रुपये पर है और रेजिस्टेंस 56400 रुपये पर है। चांदी में सपोर्ट 61500 रुपये पर है और रेजिस्टेंस 65000 रुपये पर है।
With its high salary and stable jobs, the technology sector is frequently regarded as one of the most profitable and secure industries in the world. This illusion has been dispelled for many employees, however, by the current trend of tech layoffs. Numerous IT firms announced significant layoffs in 2023, leaving thousands of employees scrambling to find their next position. This article will describe how tech layoffs are now happening in 2023 and offer advice on how employees may deal with layoffs and look for new opportunities.
The global recession is one of the main causes of the present trend of IT layoffs. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly slowed down the world economy, which has resulted in a decline in the demand for technological products and services. In an effort to reduce costs, several businesses that are struggling to preserve their profitability have turned to layoffs. In addition, the rapid rate of technological advancement has led to the automation of many jobs, which has rendered them redundant and left employees without work.
The impact of tech layoffs is far-reaching, affecting not just the employees who lose their jobs, but also their families and the local communities in which they live. While the employees may receive some financial support in the form of severance packages or unemployment benefits, they still face the stress of finding a new job in an uncertain job market.
What can employees do to deal with layoffs in the IT industry and discover new opportunities? Here are some suggestions:
IT layoffs are a reality in today's market, and they can be challenging to manage. You may improve your chances of landing a new job by staying positive, networking, updating your resume, exploring new opportunities, and staying current. Just keep in mind that your talents and experience will help you thrive in your future position and that your layoff is not an indication of your ability level.
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