The National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange are open on the weekdays from Monday to Friday and are closed on Saturday and Sunday. Here is the complete list of all trading holidays for NSE and BSE.
HolidaysDay DateRepublic Day Tuesday26 January 2021Mahashivratri Thursday11 March, 2021HoliMonday29 March, 2021Good FridayFriday02 April, 2021Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar JayantiWednesday14 April, 2021Ram NavamiWednesday21 April, 2021Eid-Ul-Fitr (Ramzan Id)Thursday13 May, 2021Bakri IdWednesday21 July, 2021Muharram Thursday19 August, 2021Ganesh Chaturthi Friday10 September, 2021DussehraFriday15 October, 2021Diwali * Laxmi PoojaThursday04 November, 2021Diwali BalipratipadaFriday05 November, 2021Guru Nanak JayantiFriday19 November, 2021
For BSE India, Muhurat Trading shall be held on 04 November 2021 (Diwali - Laxmi Pujan). The time of Muhurat Trading shall be notified subsequently. The exchange may change any of the above holidays, for which a separate circular shall be issued in advance.
Holidays For Commodity Trading - MCX (tentative)
Holidays DayDateMorning SessionEvening SessionNew Year DayFriday01 January, 2021OpenClosedMahashivratriThursday11 March, 2021ClosedOpenHoliMonday29 March, 2021ClosedOpenGood FridayFriday02 April, 2021ClosedClosedDr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti Wednesday14 April, 2021ClosedOpenRam NavamiWednesday21 April, 2021ClosedOpenEid-Ul-Fitr (Ramzan Id)Thursday 25 May, 2021ClosedOpenDiwali - Laxmi PujaThursday04 November 2021ClosedOpenDiwali - BalipratipadaMonday05 November, 2021ClosedOpenGuru Nanak JayantiMonday30 November, 2021ClosedOpen
Holidays That Are Falling on Saturdays/Sundays
HolidaysDayDateMahavir JayantiSunday25 April, 2021Maharashtra DaySaturday01 May, 2021Independence DaySunday15 August, 2021Mahatma Gandhi JayantiSaturday02 October, 2021ChristmasSunday25 December, 2021
The list of National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) for 2021 includes all the national holidays and regional public holidays. The above information is important for those willing to trade financial instruments through the stock exchange.
NSE and BSE have five working days a week i.e Monday to Friday. However, During Muhurat Trading (if Diwali falls on a weekend), certain platforms can remain open for a specific period of time.