BLS E-Services sold its IPO in the price band of Rs 129-135 per share with a lot size of 108 equity shares, between January 31 and February 1. The company raised Rs 310.90 crore through its primary offering, which was entirely a fresh share sale of up to 23,030,000 equity shares.BLS E-Services IPO is surrounded by excitement as one can expect a strong listing fueled by robust fundamentals, positive investor sentiment, and a flourishing industry, said Shivani Nyati, Head of Wealth at Swastika Investmart.
"With its strong fundamentals, positive investor sentiment, and promising outlook, the company is poised for a positive market debut," she said."The company enjoys a long-standing partnership with leading banks, ensuring a stable revenue stream and recurring business. It operates in a high-growth industry driven by increased digitization and financial inclusion initiatives. The IPO is strategically priced, further enhancing its appeal to investors," she added with a caution to carefully evaluate and manage risk for investment. Read more: