Learning Cascade

What is Investing

Investing is putting your money in a ‘Financial Instrument’ with a view of earning a desired return or income in the future. For example- Stocks, Real Estate, Bonds etc.

Why To Invest

As you sow, so shall you reap. It is rightly said what you do today impacts your future. Similarly what you do today with your money will impact your future wealth.

Tips Before Investing

The Do’s and Don’ts before starting an investing journey are the guidelines which one must follow. They minimize the risks associated with an investment and thus increase the probability of earning higher returns over a period of time.

How to invest

Investing is a skill based profession. How to invest requires the right skills, mindset and knowledge. Here is a guide to getting you started in the world of investing.

What can I invest in

Investing can be used as a supplement to your income, finance your retirement, or even get yourself out of a tight spot financially. Above all, investment increases your money, enablin

What is a stock market

The word "stock market" refers to open markets where stocks can be issued, bought, and sold for cash or for other securities that trade over-the-counter or on a stock exchange.

What is a stock

A stock (also known as an equity) is a security that represents the ownership of a portion of a corporation. As a result, in proportion to the number of shares they own, stockholders are

How to buy a stock

Today, investing in the stock market is less about mystery and suspense. Yes, it is a profitable option. Investing in stocks has the potential to increase your money's value over time and

What is a stock exchange

A stock exchange is a place where securities and bonds issued by public and municipal authorities as well as governmental entities can be bought and sold. The buying and selling of such produc

What are Indices

An index is a tool for tracking the performance of a collection of assets in a consistent manner. The performance of a group of securities meant to mirror a particular market segment is often

What is a portfolio

Diversifying your assets rather than concentrating them can help you maintain your wealth, The portfolio's risk can be divided through diversification. The returns on the

What are dividends

A dividend is the payment made to qualified shareholders from a company's earnings, It typically comes from the company’s net profits. While some profits may be retained by the

What is IPO

A dividend is the payment made to qualified shareholders from a company's earnings, It typically comes from the company’s net profits. While some profits may be retained by the

What is a circuit

To protect investors from severe losses and stop market crashes, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) developed the market-wide, index-based circuit breaker protocol in June 2001.

What is a stock split

A stock split is a corporate action in which a company increases the number of its outstanding shares by issuing more shares to its current shareholders.

Bear and Bull markets

The perception of a long-term upward movement in the financial markets is known as a trend, Traders try to spot market trends using technical analysis, a framework that defines

Stock market Jargons

Jargon is the specific vocabulary used in a certain industry or field of endeavour. Jargon is typically used in a specific context of communication and may not be easily understood outside of that

Clearing and Settlement Processes

A clearing house performs both clearing and settlement as part of the trading of securities.

Key Events and Impacts on Stock Markets

A market participant may find it insufficient to make decisions solely on the basis of company-specific information. Understanding the events that affect the markets is also crucial. The

Understanding Risk and Return

Investing in the stock market can be exciting and rewarding, but it's important to understand the concepts of risk and return before you start.

Types of Stocks

When you decide to invest in the stock market, it's important to understand the different types of stocks available. Knowing the types of stocks can help you make informed investment decisions and build a diversified portfolio.

Market Orders and Types of Orders

When investing in the stock market, knowing how to place orders is crucial. Different types of orders let you control how your trades are executed.

Technical Analysis vs. Fundamental Analysis

When investing in the stock market, there are two main approaches to evaluating stocks: technical analysis and fundamental analysis.

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